开门(2021)Opening Doors (2021)
26 7月 2024

Opening Doors, 2021, exhibition view, Entrance Space, Zhengzhou, China, 2024
短视频、 随机循环视频
Opening Doors
Short videos, shuffle and loop video player program (color, sound)
Continuous loop
1,001段视频片段被随机播放,没有固定的开始和结束,形成了一个永恒的循环。 人在离开一个空间和进入另一个空间的阈限空间被反复呈现。
“Where does one belong at the moment of opening a door?”
The artist filmed himself opening a door. Using this video as a template, the artist collected 1,000 clips from individuals around the world.
The 1,001 clips are played randomly, with no defined beginning or end, creating a timeless loop. The liminal space of a person leaving one space and entering another is continuously highlighted.

Opening Doors, 2021, exhibition view, Entrance Space, Zhengzhou, China, 2024
Opening Doors, 2021, short videos, shuffle and loop video player program (color, sound), continuous loop (excerpt 15′)