Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK
Yellow Tape
行为描绘了一个虚构的工作场景:艺术家和他的朋友们扮演了来自一家叫做亚洲人力公司(Asian Personnel Company)的员工。在行为中,他们被雇来用纸胶带修补场地墙壁上的螺丝孔和钉孔,按顺时针顺序从房间入口的左侧开始工作。
两名操作员修补了场地墙壁上所有的孔洞,形成了一条波浪线,沿着这个空间里先前展览安装的痕迹波动。在这条线的末端,一张APC的报价单被剩余的胶带卷黏贴在了墙上。报价单包含了公司信息、 客户信息、当天任务以及使用材料和服务报价。工作完成后,主管在评论框里写下了一句话:“大林没有接电话,他缺席了整个工作。”
The performance depicted a fictional working scene: the artist and his friends acted as employees from an art handling company called APC (Asian Personnel Company). In the scene, they were hired to fix screw/nail holes on the venue’s walls using masking tape, working clockwise starting from the left side of the room’s entrance.
Four people were involved in this task. The artist, who worked as a supervisor, wore a yellow company-branded color jumper. The other three were handlers dressed in black working suits. And, all of them wore APC working caps. The supervisor monitored the handlers as they performed the company’s tasks. There was no verbal communication with the audience.
Two handlers covered all the nail holes on the venue’s walls, creating a wavy line that traced the marks of previous exhibition installations within the space. At the end of this line, a quotation by APC was attached to the wall with the remaining tape roll. The quotation included the company’s information, the client’s information, the tasks of the day, and the quote for materials and services. After the work was finished, the supervisor wrote a note in the comment chart: “Dalin didn’t answer the phone call. He was absent for the entire thing.”

Yellow Tape, 2023, exhibition view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, exhibition view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, exhibition view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK
In the comment chart: “Dalin didn’t answer the phone call. He was absent for the entire thing.”

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK

Yellow Tape, 2023, performance view, Barge House, OXO Tower, London, UK