反转无聊(2022)Nothing in Reverse (2022)
26 7月 2024

Nothing in Reverse, 2022, exhibition view, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK
4K 录像(彩色、有声)
Nothing in Reverse
4K video (color, sound)
A video recording of a fixed shot of the artist doing nothing for sixty minutes overlaps with the same video running backward, creating an eerie portrait that enhances the slightest body movements, blinks, sways, breaths, swallows, and more.

Nothing in Reverse, 2022, exhibition view, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK

Nothing in Reverse, 2022, exhibition view, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK

Nothing in Reverse, 2022, exhibition view, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK

Nothing in Reverse, 2022, film stills
Nothing in Reverse, 2022, 4K video (color, sound), 60′